Pier and Beam Foundation Repair in Frisco Answered!
Q: What is a pier and beam foundation?
A: A pier and beam foundation repair in Frisco lifts a house up off the ground so that the building is separated from the soil and levels the home so there are no more issues of the foundation damaging the homes structure. Because there is little direct contact with the ground, moisture and termites are less of a problem than with other foundations. Piers themselves are made of concrete, masonry or insect-resistant wood.
Pier and beam foundation repair in Frisco can be very expensive if left as is and not addressed. Pier and beam foundations are unlike conventional concrete foundations in that they support structural loads at a number of distinct points. Some pier foundations are as simple as concrete-filled cardboard tubes dropped into hand-dug holes. Complex pier foundations incorporate very deep piers that can support extremely heavy loads.
Some builders believe that pier foundations are environmentally friendly because they require less excavation and soil disruption than other types of foundations. All foundations can have problems in wet clay soils, especially when they freeze. However, this is especially true of pier-and-beam foundations where differential settlement can cause alignment problems. Which is why when you receive a quote for pier and beam foundation repair in Frisco that it might give you sticker shock if you’ve neglected the repairs.
In solid soil, a pier foundation can provide a stable and long-lasting structural foundation. Pier foundations are often used for homes on a hillside or near a large body of water such as a lake, river or beach.
If searching for pier and beam foundation repair in Frisco, TX then look no further than Cornerstone Foundation Repair.